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UConn Health Richard D. Berlin
Center for Cell Analysis & Modeling

CCAM Resources

Educational Resources

This page contains links to books, projects and exercises used in undergraduate and graduate courses to teach quantitative cell biology. Quantitative cell biology is defined here as the research field that measures biological properties and uses those measurements to posit the behavior of the biological system. Quantitative Cell Biology makes use of computer modeling to test the hypothesis generated from experimental measurements.

CCAM Events

Events Calendar

Curricular Materials for Modeling Biology - the CompCellBio web site contains materials for teaching computational modeling of cell biology to biology students in undergraduate and graduate courses. These materials are organized in teaching modules and courses.

Virtual Cell Curricular Exercises - compilation of materials that use the Virtual Cell to teach biological concepts or aspects of modeling.

Connecticut Education Network-(CEN)- removes barriers to technology across the state. CEN provides high speed network access to areas within the state where internet access has been difficult to obtain, and other information/research based technologies and services..


Modeling References

Binding and Kinetics for Molecular Biologists - James A. Goodrich, Jennifer F. Kugel, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor NY, 2007.

A Cell Biologist's Guide to Modeling and Bioinformatics. - Raquell Holmes. This book contains a chapter with step by step discussion on creating a spatial calcium model originally published by Fink et. al., 2000.

Computational Cell Biology - Christopher P. Fall, Eric S. Marland, John M. Wagner, John J. Tyson, Springer, 2004. This textbook provides an introduction to dynamic modeling in cell biology. Access the VCell Models for Computational Cell Biology, under the 2002 tab.

The Geometry of Biological Time- Art Winfree, Springer, 2001. Written for advanced undergraduates, graduate students and researchers, this book presents a mathematical description of periodic processes in biological systems and their non-living analogues.