Modeling Links |
Database Links |
The following links are provided as a source to other modeling environments, modeling resources and cell based databases.
Modeling Links |
Database Links |
The following links are provided as a source to other modeling environments, modeling resources and cell based databases.
BioNetGen - A web-based tool for automatically generating a biochemical reaction networks from user-specified rules for biomolecular interactions.
B10NUMB3R5 - (BIONUMBERS) A database of useful biological numbers.
BioInformatics Services - BioInformatics Services is a biotechnology consulting firm specializing in using computational biology to solve complex biological and data analysis problems.
cellmigrationgateway - modeling software
CellML- The CellML language is an open standard based on the XML markup language at the University of Auckland and affiliated research groups.
CompCell Bio Web - Development site for teaching modules on quantitative cell biology.
DOQCS - Quantitative Cellular Signaling (DOQCS) is a repository of models of signaling pathways.
E-Cell - A Multi-Algorithm, Multi-Timescale Simulation Software Environment.
Gfit - A program for global regression analysis of experimental data.
Kitware - Professional Visualization Solutions, Tools and Support.
MCell - General Monte Carlo Simulator of Cellular Microphysiology.
Minimotif Miner - Application to search for short sequence motifs in Proteins.
SBML - The Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) is a computer-readable format for representing models of biochemical reaction networks. - Systems Biology Workbench, an open source framework connecting heterogenous software applications.
QuB - Kinetic Analysis made Easy. Programs for analyzing single-molecule kinetics, in particular single ion channels. - Cell Centered Database (CCD) from the National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research - The Cell an Image Library from the American Society for Cell Biology - from the Center for Bioimage Infromatics - SLIF - Subcellular Location Image Finder from the Center for Bioimage Informatics