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UConn Health Richard D. Berlin
Center for Cell Analysis & Modeling

CCAM Microscope & Computer Sign Up

Training Manuals User Information
LSM 510 Meta Training Notes (1.3 mb PDF) Access your CCAM Data Files
LSM 510 CC2 Training Notes (1.2 mb PDF) CCAM Objectives (448 kb PDF)
LSM 510 C32 Training Notes (1.3 mb PDF) Digital Sampling (1.5 Mb)
LSM 780 Training Notes (1.7 mb PDF)  
780 Shortcuts(192kb PDF)

CCAM Events

Events Calendar

All CCAM microscopes and computers can be reserved at

Please note, you will NOT be able to reserve time with the new CORES system if you are not established with a PI and if you do not have active grant coding.

263 Farmington Avenue, Academic Research Building (ARB), E6011
Confocal Systems
Zeiss Confocor 2
The CC2 is mounted on an Axiovert 200 with automated xyz control. It is equipped with an argon ion laser with emission at 488, 477, 514, and two HeNe lasers with 54nm3 and 633nm exictations. There are three photomultiplier tubes and a transmitted light detector.
Zeiss LSM 510 Meta
The Meta is mounted on an Axiovert 200M with automated xyz control. Laser excitation lines include 458, 488, and 514nm (argon laser) and 543 and 633 nm (HeNe lasers). The system is equipped with the specialized Meta detector as well as 2 traditional photomultiplier tubes and a transmitted light detector.
User Computer
Windows 7 computer with MetaMorph, Photoshop, Office, Zeiss LSM and Zen Image Browsers.
400 Farmington Avenue, Cell & Genome Sciences Building, Imaging Suite R1510
Confocal Systems
Zeiss Confocor 3
R1521 The CC3 is a combined confocal and FCS system, mounted on a AxioVert 200M. This system has two avalanche photodiodes (APD) with ultimate sensitivity allowing for decreased laser power with delicate specimens as well as three traditional PMTs. The APD's are highly efficient in the red wavelength range where fluorescent signal can be very weak.This system is equipped with the following laser lines: argon 458, 477, 488, 514nm, DPSS 561nm, and HeNe 633nm.
Zeiss 780
R1523 Combined confocal/FCS/NLO system, mounted on an inverted Axio Observer Z1. The 780 employs the spectral 32-channel QUASAR GaAsp detector allowing for spectral imaging, maximum sensitivity photon counting and Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) as well as two adjacent PMT's. This system is equiped with the following laser lines: 405 and 440, 458, 488, and 514, 561, 633. Multi-photon excitation is available from 720 - 950 nm.
Perkin Elmer UltraView
(Spinning Disk )
R1518 Spinning Disk Confocal on an inverted, Nikon TE2000 microscope capable of exciting with the following laser lines: 442, 488, 514, 568 and 647 nm. This system employs the Micropoint Mosaic system for photomanipulation techniques such as FRAP or Photoactivation.
Widefield Microscopes
Zeiss TIRF
R1514 The TIRF system is equipped with the Zeiss Axio Observer (inverted) )microscope and the Zeiss AxioCam MRm, a 12 bit, high sensitivity, optimum resolution camera. The fluorescent system captures a thin optical section of approximately 100 -200 nm thick which allows for the visualization of processes taking place near the cell membrane of living cells.This system employs the α-Plan-Fluar 100x/1.45 oil objective.
User Computers
R1510 - Imaging Suite 64 bit computer with ImarisSurpass 3-D rendering and analysis software, MetaMorph, Photoshop, and Zeiss LSM and Zen Image Browsers.
R1510 - Imaging Suite PC equipped with MetaMorph, Photoshop, ImageJ, Zeiss LSM and Zen Image Browsers and a Flatbed Scanner.
R1513 Single excitation, dual emission spectrofluorimeter
Tissue Culture Hood
R1517 - CCAM Lab CCAM tissue culture hood. Please sign out if you need a particluar date and time.