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UConn Health Richard D. Berlin
Center for Cell Analysis & Modeling

Microscopy Facility

CCAM Microscopy Accounts & Fees

CCAM IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DATA STORAGE.Users are provided with 50 Gb, per lab, of remote storage for their data files. It is up to each lab to manage this storage space and to back up their data. Use of the microscopes and imaging workstations is restricted to authorized users. To become an authorized user, you must receive a training session from the CCAM staff, 860-679-4686, for each piece of equipment used. There are NO exceptions to this policy.


CCAM Events

Events Calendar

Microscope Accounts

You must be an authorized user, trained by the CCAM staff, 860-679-4686, to use each microscope. The fee for the training session is a one time fee, however there is a training session for each microscope. If you do not wish to become a user, you may arrange to work with a CCAM staff , person at the hourly rate. Please see CCAM microscope user policies for more information.

Computer/Software Accounts
Microscope account users have access to CCAM software (including Metamorph image processing software from Molecular Devices, and [Surpass] 3-D rendering and analysis software from Bitplane graphics) . Contact CCAM staff for more information on accessing CCAM analysis software.


CCAM uses the UCHC Research Store to handling billing. All UCHC users must be authorized to charge an FRS account on the Research Store software prior to using CCAM facilities. You should contact your departmental administrator to enter you as an authorized user in the store. Users are responsible for submitting charges to the Research Store software following each session on the equipment. For more information see CCAM microscope user policies.

CCAM Microscope User Fees (July 1, 2014)

Unit Charge
External Non-Profit
External For-Profit
Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopes
per hour
Spinning Disk Confocal Microscope
per hour
Widefield-TIRF Microscope
per hour
Training Session
Service Work
per hour
Analytical Instrumentation
Biacore SPR
1/2 day
Spex Spectrofluorimeter
per hour
Long term confocal imaging with prior approval from Dr. Ann Cowan (Five hour minimum continuous, weekdays 5 PM – 8 AM and weekends):
First 3 hours at standard rates; remaining time at $5/hour UCHC, $8/hour external non-profit, $10/hour for-profit. Examples of rates for long term experiments are shown below; imaging can begin at 2 PM on weekdays since the first 3 hours are at standard rates.
Total Imaging Time
1st 3 hours
Additional Hours
Total Cost UCHC
10 hours
7 x $5/hr = $35
24 hours
21 x $5/hr = $105
48 hours
45 x $5/hr = $225
Total Imaging Time
1st 3 hours
Additional Hours
Total Cost Non-profit
10 hours
7 x $8/hr = $56
24 hours
21 x $8/hr = $168
48 hours
45 x $8/hr = $360
Total Imaging Time
1st 3 hours
Additional Hours
Total Cost for Profit
10 hours
7 x $10/hr = $70
24 hours
21 x $10/hr = $210
48 hours
45 x $10/hr = $450