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UConn Health Richard D. Berlin
Center for Cell Analysis & Modeling

CCAM Training Program

Summer Undergraduate Research Internships in Cell Analysis and Modeling

The Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling annually hosts a number of summer undergraduate students with strong backgrounds in the physical sciences, engineering and mathematics. They work in our laboratories for 10 weeks. CCAM's quantitative and interdisciplinary research addresses fundamental questions of how the spatial organization of molecules in cells is established and how it is utilized to control cell function.

CCAM Events

Events Calendar

Research projects include

  • Developing and applying optical methods for quantitative measurement of molecular events inside living cells
  • Developing and applying methods for molecular level manipulation in living cells
  • Computational modeling and simulation of cellular physiology using the Virtual Cell modeling and simulation software (
  • Developing algorithms and software tools to further  enhance the Virtual Cell modeling software

There are two (mutually supportive) ways to get into CAM undergraduate program:

For inquires, please contact:
Dr. Michael Blinov
Richard D. Berlin Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-6406
Phone: 860-679-6081

Previous CAM Students

Summer 2012



Principal Investigator

Tyler McLaughlin
University of Pittsburgh
Scott Norton
Paoloa Peshkepija
Connecticut College

Summer 2011



Principal Investigator

Paulina Krzyszczyk
Lehigh Univ
Charles Wolgemuth

Summer 2010

Dhruv Vig
Kenyon College
Aniket Deb

Summer 2009

Xiaozhou (Joe) Liu
Michigan State
Clifford Locke
Sarah Dunn
Prasanna Gautam
Max Win

Summer 2008

Visar Ajeti
Boston U
Paul Campagnola
Corina Rusu
Mount Holyoke & UMass Amherst
Ritika Sahni
North Dakota State
Long Tu
Daniel Zachs

Summer 2007

Shawn Carey
Worcester Polytechnic
Paul Campagnola
Isaac Anderson
Colin Shea
University of Virginia
Charles Wolgemuth
Christina Napoletano
Stonehill College
Mary Gniadek
Cornell University
J Alex Gilbreath
University of Alabama

Summer 2006

Nicholas Lahens
Canisius College
Kara McMahon
Mount Holyoke
Gina Passaro
University of Miami
Charles Wolgemuth
Eva Racz
Budapest Tech. Univ.
Nathaniel Vacanti

Summer 2005

Robert Chase
UMass Amherst
Benjamin Ramot